So, I’m a little late to the party on this one, but better late than never.
In the book, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self (2020), Carl Trueman follows the intellectual bread crumbs that lead from the Enlightenment to modern expressive individualism.
When you are done reading the book you will understand how a millennial can say with a straight face, “I’m a woman trapped in a man’s body.”
Trueman starts with the premise that man identifies himself in the context of what is most important to him. Therefore, western man’s journey over the past two millennia is described as a transformation from political man (Greeks) to religious man (Middle Ages) to economic man (Enlightenment) to the modern psychological man.
In other words, whereas in The Middle Ages, a person’s identity was defined in the context of his religion, modern man’s identity has become defined by his psychology, and because psychology through Freud became sexual, identity is now defined in the context of sexuality.
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